WeLcOmE tO mAh 2nD WeB pAgE. I'm WeRkiN oN mAh PiCs SeCtIoN aNd SoOn eNoUgH, I wIlL aDd a BrEaKdAnCiNg sEcTiOn aNd A tEkKeN SeCtIoN.


HeHe MaH 2 PeRsOnAlItIeS





YoU'Ll fInD aLmOsT eVeRyThIn In HeRe. Im GoIn tO pOsT uP dA pIcS oF mEeH aNd MaH fReNdS, aNd PrEtTy sOoN bReAk DaNcInG.

Yo ChEcK dIs oUt(I kNoW I kNoW, BuT I wAnNa PoSt It HeRe)

Have you ever been touched by an angel? Kissed? Loved? Have you ever
felt its compassion for you? Everyone has. Me, you, everyone. It doesn't
exactly have to be a lover, it could be either a friend, family member, even
ur pet. The angel leads you the way home. He...She....It.... knows how you feel, how
happy you are, or how miserable your life is. Angels watch over you wherever
you go,  whatever you do. It will always be in your heart, soul, wherever.
Whenever you are left out, the angel will always be there for you.
Their smile brings your day up.
Their eyes sparkle like the stars.
The joy they show you is like that feeling you've never felt before.
Always watch out for your angelz. You never know if they're close to you, or
even speaking to you right now.

bY YoUrS tRuLy @~~}~~ReDrOmEo~~{~~@<---ShE rEmInDs Me Of SoMeOnE =)


ChCk OuT dIs sItE fOr AlL dA kInG oF FiGhTeR'S pIcS.